guidelines for parents
- Students should be punctual otherwise strict action will be taken.
- Students should be complete neat and clean uniform, socks & well polished shoes with at proper hair & nail cut.
- Student particularly studying in higher classes are given regular assignments both for learning & written for completion at home. This is done to ensure that after school they spend regular hours in Studying and preparing them selves for the crucial board and Final Exam, Student who fail to complete and are often found committing negligence in completing the given work, would be strictly dealt.
- Students who show defiance, disrespect or indiscipline towards the teacher or in the school premises may face disciplinary action. They may be suspended for a limited period or face rustication.
- Parents are not permitted to meet the teacher during the school hours without seeking permission from the Principal.
- Student of all classes should bring Books & Copies as per time table and maintain them for regular studies.
- Students should bring sufficient lunch to school as they would not be allowed to leave the school premises under any condition.
- Students should also refrain from bringing money or valuable to school. Loss of such, would not be the responsibility of the school.
- Parents are supposed to sign the dairy of their ward daily. Important information is imparted to parents through the diary which serves as the written record period wise, day to day work done by the students in school and the required home work to be done at home.
- Parents / Guardians who misbehave, use unparliamentary language or threaten the school staff member, will have to suffer grave consequences
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