
News/Notice | View All

  • 21st Dec, 2023
    Attend Bal Mela cum Christmas Carnival

    On 25th December 2023
  • 10th May, 2022
    Submit your Fees

    before 10th of every month to avoid late fees
  • 10th May, 2022
    Admission open

    For the class Montessory to 9th and 11th
  • 09th May, 2022
    Wear Mask

    Its compulsory to wear mask in school premises
Toppers 2022-23
Happy Birthday


We offer CISCE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education), Uttar Pradesh State Board & National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) curricula. Our learner-centric pedagogy approaches each child as a separate entity, as opposed to the conventional class-oriented approach. Our teachers guide students along every step, encouraging them to experiment and come upon their own strengths and weaknesses themselves. Students are put in an environment that catalyses their academic, physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual growth. In keeping with our inclination towards quality and not quantity, a consistent ratio of twenty five students to one teacher is maintained, allowing adequate time and attention for each child to actualise the full capacity of his/her potential.
We push ourselves constantly to devise unconventional methods that are both interactive and spread over a wide spectrum of topics; our objective is to develop a sense of context and objectivity in our children to equip them for larger challenges. Furthermore, a ‘Life Skills’ Unit is included in every academic year, keeping the children persistently acquainted with a just, objective vision of society.

Our unique curriculum is geared to:

  • Map and initiate progress both personally and academically.
  • Create benchmarks for achievements that act as motivational tools.
  • Diagnose and work with learning disabilities.
  • Facilitate instruction and ease curriculum decisions.
  • Assist students with their own progress.
  • Provide guidance for parents.
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