
News/Notice | View All

  • 21st Dec, 2023
    Attend Bal Mela cum Christmas Carnival

    On 25th December 2023
  • 10th May, 2022
    Submit your Fees

    before 10th of every month to avoid late fees
  • 10th May, 2022
    Admission open

    For the class Montessory to 9th and 11th
  • 09th May, 2022
    Wear Mask

    Its compulsory to wear mask in school premises
Toppers 2022-23
Happy Birthday


  1. Is to provide congenial atmosphere for the overall development of the student-physically, mentally, intellectually & spiritually.
  2. In developing 'Dual Qualities' in the students.
    1. Power of Self Expression.
    2. Power of Accurate Calculation. These virtues can be achieved by thoroghly drilling the students in the study of languages (English & Hindi), Science's and Mathematics.
  3. In providing regular periods for : Extra Curricular activities - Library, Sports,    Music, Arts Crafts, Hobby Classes and Computers.
  4. is in making regular use of Educational Toys, Modern Audio-Visual Equipments and other Aids to promote deeper knowledge to the students.
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